
Jude - The Acts of the Apostates - Robert Gray   


*has been called the Acts of the Apostates. 

*just 25 verses, but contains so much truth, exhortation, encouragement, and warning – all of these are needed today. 

*Could the order of the NT books be inspired? We have the Gospels, detailing our Lord Jesus, whilst here on earth. The Acts of the Apostles followed by the Doctrine of the Gospels in Romans. Followed by letters to Christians and churches and then we have the little book of Jude, waring to “earnestly contend” for the faith, before the Revelation of Jesus Christ and His glory, rule, and reign. Just a thought. 

1. CALLED. Who is called? What are they called for? Gal 5v3, 1Peter 5v10, 2Peter1v3 & Rev19v9. 

2. CONTEND. EARNESTLY CONTEND. Only once in scripture, what does it mean? 

3. COUNTERFEIT. Fakes crept into the churches. 

4. CORRUPTION. Their aims. 

5. CONDEMANTION. Their doom and destiny are certain. 

6. COMING. The righteous One is coming to judge. 

7. CONSTRUCTION. We must build each other up too, how? 

8. COMPASSION. In short supply nowadays. 

9. COMMENDATION. He is able to keep us.